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how much will it cost?

Not as much as you think! 

We work hard to make sure our service trips are as affordable as possible and the cost is broken down into easy-to-manage payments. 


The fundraising goal is $700


If you are a college student or recent grad, contact us to find out about scholarship opportunities!

I don't speak Spanish... can I still come?

Por supuesto!

(Of course)

Our trips are created to allow community building for everyone regardless of language. 


You will be paired with someone who is able to communicate in case of emergency and don't worry - there will be plenty of ways to be hands-on with our projects and the women we serve.

what does a typical service day look like?

Every day starts with coffee. Your days in DR are spent building community with the women and families we serve in the village. The agenda is flexible and includes community dinners, workshops & story collecting. Each evening we come together to reflect on what we've experienced and prepare for the following day.


We always make bracelets as a way to relate one-on-one with the women. The other workshops we host are based on the community's needs and the skills you want to share with them.

Will I have any fun?


The most important goal we have during every trip is to make sure volunteers leave with a sense of community,  culture, and inspiration. Some nights you might end up dancing bachata under the stars, most afternoons will be spent playing jump rope with the local children or hiking to the river. Every day will be filled with adventure. And just to add a cherry on top - we always spend our final day playing "tourist" at a beautiful beach, cave or marketplace.

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